NBU Governor talks about the possible use of russian assets to compensate for war losses

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02 May 2024

As of the end of 2023, the World Bank estimated Ukraine's losses caused by russian aggression at $500 billion. At the same time, the amount of russian assets that the West froze after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine is about $300 billion. This amount is not enough to compensate for all the losses and destruction caused by the aggressor country.


This was announced by the Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Andriy Pyshnyi.


“The exact figure is not mentioned anywhere. It always sounds with a certain range: 260-280-300, depending on the country. But we can understand the total amount. It is about $300 billion,” Pyshny said.


According to the head of the National Bank, frozen russian assets can become a source of covering losses from the war, both existing and possible, as the war is still ongoing.


“We expect that this [frozen assets of the russian federation - ed.] will be a source of appropriate funds that Ukraine will need both for resistance and compensation,” the regulator said.


Source: TSN, broadcast of the telethon “United News”