New Zealand announces additional package of sanctions against russia

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11 Jul 2024

New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced additional sanctions as part of the government's ongoing response to russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine.


"Our latest round of sanctions targets russians involved in the military-industrial complex of this country and those who provide military assistance to russia," the statement reads.


It is noted that the new sanctions are directed against seven individuals and 12 organizations that provide military support to russian aggression, participate in the illegal transfer of weapons from North Korea to russia for use in Ukraine. The sanctions also target Iranian entities that provide military assistance to russia through the production and supply of drones.


"New Zealand condemns anyone who provides military support to russia in its aggressive war against Ukraine. The supply of Iranian drones and North Korean weapons to russia is a threat to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. International efforts to impose sanctions on those involved increase the cost of russia's illegal aggressive war," the statement reads.


Since the entry into force of the russia Sanctions Act in March 2022, New Zealand has imposed sanctions on more than 1,700 individuals and organizations, as well as a number of trade measures.


Source: the official website of the New Zealand Government