Introduction of confiscation of Russian assets in Poland

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01 Jun 2023

The Polish Sejm presented a draft law on amendments to the country's Constitution, which would allow the confiscation of frozen Russian assets on legal grounds. The publication Wprost writes about it.


The draft law was presented by Lukash Schreiber, a member of the Polish Council of Ministers and a member of the Law and Justice party.


In particular, to Article 216 of the Constitution, which sets a limit on state loans to finance defense needs, the authors of the draft law want to add a provision that gives the state treasury the right to seize and confiscate assets if they can be used to support Russian aggression.


The assets confiscated in this way are proposed to be used to finance programs to support victims of Russian aggression.


Schreiber called on the parliamentary opposition to support the proposed bill.


At this stage, the proposed draft law has been submitted to a special parliamentary commission that considers proposals for amendments to the country's Constitution.


Sourse:wprost biznes