The Ministry of Justice filed a lawsuit with the HACC to impose sanctions on Bobryshev and Harkusha

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12 Jun 2024

On June 12, 2024, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine filed a lawsuit with the High Anti-Corruption Court to impose a sanction against Volodymyr Mykhailovych Bobryshev and Hennadii Oleksandrovych Harkusha in the form of asset forfeiture to the state.


Bobryshev V.M. and Harkusha H.O. are former police officers in Kherson region who agreed to cooperate with representatives of the armed forces of the russian federation and voluntarily took up senior positions in the so-called "main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kherson region". In turn, Bobryshev V.M. was appointed by the occupation authorities to the position of the so-called "head of the personnel department", and Harkusha H.O. was the commander of the so-called "Berkut battalion". As a result, the actions of these individuals led to the actual seizure of power and the temporary occupation of the Kherson region by the armed forces of the russian federation.


The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine declared assets owned directly and indirectly by the sanctioned persons for recovery, namely:


- a one-room apartment located in Kherson;

- 1/2 share of a land plot located in the temporarily occupied territory of Kherson region;

- 1/2 share of a residential building located in the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region;

- 1/2 share of a two-room apartment located in the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region;

- 1/2 share of non-residential premises located in the city of Kherson;

- 1/6 share of a three-room apartment located in Kherson;

- cash, two cars and a hunting rifle.


Source: Ministry of Justice of Ukraine