Verkhovna Rada calls on the EU to synchronize sanctions

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10 Oct 2024

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a resolution (draft law No. 11536) calling on:


1) the international community to increase political and diplomatic pressure on the russian federation to ensure that the aggressor state complies with its international obligations to ensure freedom of expression and media freedom in order to restore the international legal order on the basis of mutual respect and cooperation;


2) the European Commission and the Council of the EU to impose restrictive measures (sanctions) similar to the relevant special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) of Ukraine applied to such so-called enterprises: “State Communications Enterprise State Unitary Enterprise of the Donetsk People's Republic “Vugletelecom”, “State Enterprise State Unitary Enterprise of the Donetsk People's Republic ‘Comtel’, ‘State Enterprise State Unitary Enterprise of the Donetsk People's Republic ’Republican Communications Operator”, “State Enterprise ‘Donetsk Railway’, ‘State Unitary Enterprise of the Luhansk People's Republic ’Republican Digital Communications” and to introduce similar restrictive measures,


to promote the expansion of cooperation in the areas of military-technical cooperation with Ukraine and increase assistance in accordance with the actualized needs of the security and defense forces of Ukraine for certain types of weapons and military equipment, in particular modern tanks, aircraft and long-range missiles, which will ensure the repulsion of the armed aggression of the russian federation, bring the victory of the Ukrainian state in the defensive war against the aggressor state closer,


strengthen compliance with the oil price cap by compiling a list of “shadow fleet” vessels collected by the russian federation and its proxies, ban them and create a white list of brokers authorized to provide information on transactions under the price cap,


to introduce restrictive measures (sanctions) aimed at other strategic sources of russia's revenue, including liquefied natural gas and pipeline gas, as well as agricultural, metallurgical industries by immediately banning imports of semi-finished steel products, including slabs, pig iron and iron ore, and the nuclear industry by banning both direct imports and resale of the relevant products,


expand export control measures, in particular by establishing a coordination mechanism for multilateral export controls, creating more reliable tracking and verification systems to prevent sanctioned Russian goods and materials from entering world markets through indirect channels, and enhancing the collection, accessibility and exchange of relevant customs and banking data,


create and publish a register of persons and companies involved in violating and circumventing sanctions, and expand and diversify the adoption of secondary sanctions to be applied to countries, entities and persons facilitating the violation and circumvention of sanctions,


consider applying similar restrictive measures to the closest allies of the russian federation, such as Belarus, Iran, North Korea, and their political elites,


expand the list of sanctioned persons, including those directly responsible for and participating in the forced displacement and unreasonable delay of repatriation of Ukrainian children, as well as the destruction of Ukrainian cities and towns.


Source: text of the Resolution